Friday, October 30, 2009



There was no founder for Hinduism. This religion is traced back to the Indus valley civilization sometime between 4000-2500 B.C. The purpose of this religion is that the purpose of life is to realize that we are a part of god. Hinduism's spiritual leader is the guru or sage.

Followers & location-
Hinduism has about 900 million followers today that they know of. This religion was founded in India. The main location of this religion today is India,United Kingdom, and the U.S.A.

Holy books/texts
Some of the holy books of hinduism are the Vedas,Upanishads,sutras, Bhagava Gita.

Religious holidays-
Some of the religious holidays for the hindu religion are The Islamic calender,Ashura is a day of remembrance of when they were defending from the violations by enemy forces., Id Al-adhe, Id- Al-Fitr, Muharram, and Ramadan.

The rituals this religion performs are brahmacharya, grastha is focused on worldly pursuits and pleasures such as marriage, family and career, vanaprastha is the third stage of life when you relinquish every and "dwell in the forest," sangasu. these are just some of those that I found.

Some symbols are the Lotus, Paratik, and the Tilah those are just some

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